Illuminated Myth Publishing

Bold Organic Stars

Horror and fantasy author

S.R. Marks

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News and Events

  • Sara will be at the Lowell Folk ​Festival on July 27 & 28 selling books ​with other authors! Come by and ​chat about books and more!

What’s Sara Writing Now?

July 2024:

  • Sara is working on book 2 in The ​Enduring series. This will be ready for ​Patreon and Ream serialization in ​2025.
  • Also: The Plagues - horror and dark ​fantasy stories connected to the 10 ​Plagues of Egypt. These are a big part ​of the Passover seder and perfect for ​horror stories!


Frozen Wasteland - 3

These coaches will motivate you to give up everything- even your life.

Nina loves using her social media platform to educate people about scams around the world. When Bribre, the clothing multi-level marketing company, falls apart, she’s ready to declare victory. That is until she realized that only Patty, a former consultant, jumped to a new company and is claiming to be a marketing guru.

Intrigued, Nina shifts her investigation to focus on Patty’s new coaching empire hoping to find evidence of a scam. It doesn’t take long for her to discover, the scam is only scratching the surface. The deeper Nina dives, the more sources come forward, connecting her to research done by those in hiding. Her growing obsession puts everyone at risk, especially herself.

What will Nina discover the deeper she digs?


Frozen Wasteland - 2

Accepting the Opportunity Will Destroy You.

Fay may be a mere academic, but she knows how destructive multi-level marketing businesses can be for women. When she gets a grant to research Bribre, a company selling clothes at home parties, she’s determined to use this opportunity to help others understand how these companies prey on our insecurities.

Fay thinks she’s maintaining objectivity, but the longer she’s involved, the more immersed she is in a world of secrets and betrayal. She’s lured deeper into the organization as new discoveries raise more questions. Her fellow team members are the ones who suffer and disappear because of Fay’s determination to reveal the sinister truth to the world.

What will Fay when she finally gets to the heart of this company?


Frozen Wasteland - 1

Underneath the library is a secret that enslaves them all…

Jessica Martin may be a small-town girl who never left home, but the eager reporter has a popular blog that keeps her tiny New England village informed. When their longtime librarian vanishes without a trace, the erstwhile journalist is determined to uncover the truth… especially with everyone whispering about sinister secrets.

Discovering every person who’s ever worked there was never heard from again, Jessica puts out a call for help to her readers to share their stories of the dark facility. But when one of her sources also disappears, the guilt-ridden scribe realizes the only way to crack her community’s conspiracy of silence is to venture into the haunted halls herself.

What will Jessica discover once inside the library?

Help Wanted: New Devil

The Enduring - 1

Even the afterlife gets decided in a committee.

The afterlife is more like a large retirement community than a fiery pit where even collecting souls has been automated. Death has nothing on his to-do list until his co-worker, the Devil, tells him she’s retiring. For years he’s relied on her to keep the ever-growing population of Patala running smoothly. After five hundred years, he needs to replace the most important woman in his life.

The only good thing is that the hiring process can’t kill him.


Short Story Collection

Every generation has an epic and memorable music festival. One young woman thinks this will be hers until every expectation is destroyed piece by piece. She's not alone. They find themselves stuck in a small airport without their luggage or even a charger so they can connect with their family, friends, and followers. All she wants to do is get on a plane and go home but that is proving to be difficult.

This is just one of the short stories you will enjoy in this volume!

Barnes & Noble

Coming Soon

About Sara

S.R. Marks is the pen name author Sara Marks uses for her horror and fantasy books. Sara is a woman with a dark side. She might want love stories, but she knows the universe isn’t always kind. She loves sitting back and watching drama and chaos unfold. Sometimes she’ll even create it.

Sara lives in Massachusetts with her dog Cedric. When not writing she reads voraciously, knits (often while reading), and watching drama channels on YouTube (while knitting).

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